Tirley, Gloucestershire
If you have a pest problem we will be the solution, our prices are competitive for top quality work.
"Pest problems"? You are not alone we can sort them for you.
We will use the best quality products that are approved for use by the HSE to rid you of the pests.
As licensed waste carriers we can remove any waste that is attracting rodents or insects.
We will leave you with a report of what has been done and of any recommendations we have to help you to remain pest free in the future.
ABComplete works closely with Environmental Health officers to ensure commercial food providers or retailers are showing "Due Diligence" to the public and to the food producers service users.
- Bed Bug Control
- Bird Control and Audio Scaring.
- Very competitive quality work
- Opening Times:
- Anytime
- BPCA Member: No
- NPTA Member: Yes
- Customer Types: Domestic & Commercial
- Contract Work: Yes
- Bird Control: Yes
- Insect Control: Yes
- Rodent Control: Yes
- Agricultural Pest Control: Yes
- Specialisms: Public health and nuisance pest control and Bed Bug erradication