Danny Nuttall D.Hyp ( Adv) MIAPH (Acc)

Danny Nuttall is a professional and fully qualified full time hypnotherapist in Bristol and Bath.
Danny Nuttall sees clients from all walks of life consulting for all manner of problems, symptoms, issues and anxieties.
From nail biting to eating disorders, from depression to social anxiety, from fear of flying to gambling addiction.
Hypnotherapy can be a very fast effective and gentle treatment which Danny recognized when he undertook his hypnotherapy training many years ago.
In 2005 he set up his hypnotherapy practice and in 2007 moved to a large premises in Bath, running a successful practice ever since.
Danny's clients travel from Bath and even as far as Wales and Dorset to visit his practice.
- me
- Opening Times:
'Having therapy was better than winning the lottery!'
"Don't know what to say except thank you thank you for giving me back control of my own life. I have spent fifteen years trying to find an answer to my questions, have made some friends in the mental health system but no answers. Hypnotherapy I decided was my last go at getting my life back if this did not work I would have to accept I would live my life in confusion and continue to feel very alone not a future to look forward to in my eyes especially with four children to raise. The decision made I went to see Daniel and my life was about to change far more than I could have wished for.
I had expected twelve sessions but six sessions later and WOW root cause found and dealt with unbelievable after fifteen years in therapy and my whole life spent in turmoil. I feel like I have been released from an internal prison, my mind can think in a straight line, I can finally forgive, make my own decisions and stick to them, and as each day goes by I feel a bit like a normal person, and my husband loves the new me. No more tears, temper tantrums, hating myself, feeling worthless or wanting to go to sleep and not wake up. Please I know this all sounds a bit dramatic but that was my life, but not now. If you are at a place and don't know what to do give this a try you won't be sorry, having Analytical therapy was better than winning the lottery! and once again thank you Daniel, God bless you and have good health and a long and happy
Tash (Natasha), November 2006
- Hypnotherapy Register Member: Yes
- GHR Member: No
- Other Memberships: I.A.P.H.
- Hypnotherapy Qualifications: Diploma in hypnosis and hypnotherapy and pure hypnoanalysis
- Clinical Hypnotherapist: Yes
- Counselling:
- Specialisms: Pure hypno analysis