Carl Hales
Blackpool, Lancashire

But the main thing I do is to listen, listen to what YOU are telling me, unlike some of the other hypnotherapists who if you have abc always use xyz because it's easy for them and with this in mind my first session is always about 90mins (except for stop smoking which is a single session) in that time I take a full case history and I will teach you auto-hypnosis.
Then before our next meeting I will devise a personal plan, being the best way forward for you to conquer your problem.
I work on a three session protocol as it's your money and you want results quickly, sometimes it will take a little longer there are no guarantees.
I make home visits which I find works very well as you are already relaxed in your home, and not in some strange office.
Please give me a ring even if it's only to talk.
- I only make house calls
- Stop Smoking single session £135.00
Weight Loss £45.00 for the first three sessions them £30.00 per session after that.
Normal sessions charged at £45.00 per session
- Opening Times:
- Mondays and Tuesdays all day
Fridays after 3pm
Saturday and Sunday all day
- Hypnotherapy Register Member: No
- GHR Member: No
- Other Memberships: British society of Clinical Hypnosis
- Hypnotherapy Qualifications: Diploma (LCCH)
- Clinical Hypnotherapist: Yes
- Counselling:
- Specialisms: Phobia, Pain, Stop Smoking, Weight loss