Healthplus Chiropractic Clinic

Clinical evidence has consistently demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care
Chiropractic treatments consist of gentle manipulation techniques known as adjustments to restore function, mobility and balance to joints. During an adjustment, the pressure within the joint space changes and sometimes patients report a 'clicking' noise. This is the sound of air being released from within a joint and is not normally painful.
Chiropractic Clinic specialising in the treatment of low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, pregnancy pain, slipped discs, frozen shoulder, headaches and migraine. Covering: Barkingside, Ilford, Redbridge, Gants Hill, Clayhall, Hainault, Chigwell, South Woodford, and Wantstead. Health plus offers the opportunity for patients who are uncertain as to whether Chiropractic could help to attend the clinic for a FREE 10 minute consultation (subject to availability). We believe in the importance of providing an individually developed treatment programme to provide relief from your condition. The clinic is linked to local consultants to provide options in your treatment.
- Initial consultation including treatment £45 (40 minutes)
Follow up treatments £30 (20 minutes)
- Opening Times:
- 9 to 7 monday to Friday
9 to 1 Sunday
Evening and weekend appointments available
"I cannot thank you enough for all your help, support, understanding and professionalism over the past year following my back injury. I am grateful for every day I am able to live my life again and play with my son, pain free and completely mobile."
Mrs F (June 2006)
"As an office worker I sit at my desk and use a computer for the majority of my working day and so over the years I had begun to suffer with a stiff neck and upper back pain. After my first treatment my left to right movement was greatly improved and my head felt as if a weight had been lifted off it."
Mrs G (May 2006)
"After two sessions over a two week period, I was able to resume training with the team and after the third session I was able to play in matches again. I've already recommended this form of treatment to other players with similar problems and they are all experiencing vast improvement in there performance."
Mr H (April 2007)
"Thank you for your initial advice and recommendations. I would recommend the treatment to anyone but advise sooner rather than later."
Mrs D (April 2007)
"I had two years of pain pain pain. I could not stand for too long, walking was very painful, shopping, housework, cooking, life in general was one long painful ordeal. I went to Health Plus and thanks to the treatment and advice I am pain free"
Mrs P (April 2007)
- General Chiropractic Council Registered: Yes
- Association Memberships: United Chiropractic Clinic
- X-Ray Diagnostics: No
- CallChiro, London (approx. 9 miles)
- The Circle of Health, London (approx. 10 miles)
- The Lambeth Spine Centre, Brixton (approx. 11 miles)
- Sunbury Chiropractic Centre, Sunbury (approx. 12 miles)
- Wimbledon Chiropractic Clinic, Wimbledon (approx. 17 miles)
- Complete Chiropractic, St. Albans (approx. 20 miles)
- Naturality Wellness Cente, Berkhamsted (approx. 29 miles)
- Windsor & Eton Chiropractic Clinic, Windsor (approx. 29 miles)
- Coggeshall and Colchester Chiropractic, Coggeshall (approx. 33 miles)
- Hands On Health, Camberley (approx. 38 miles)