Broadstone Foot Health
Poole, Dorset

For toenail cutting, corn and callus removal and treatment of verruca and fungal infections.
Included in each appointment is a vascular assessment and a foot and lower leg massage.
General Foot Information
Our feet are one of the hardest working parts of the body, they carry our weight and during an average lifetime they will walk 75 000 miles. They are not replaceable and need to be looked after if you want to avoid painful feet and expensive corrective measures in later life.
The problems likely to be encountered during the summer months are related to the heat and also the type of footwear.
Hot Sweaty Feet
A hot sweaty shoe is perfect for bacteria and fungi to grow in. These nice hot, wet and dark conditions are perfect for athlete's foot and smelly feet to develop. Both athlete's foot and smelly feet are usually due to a poor foot care routine.
Smelly feet happen when the foot is kept in a soggy shoe for too long, the corynebacteria bacteria that normally live harmlessly on your skin react with the sweat and create the foul cheesy smell.
A pair to wear and a pair to Air. Try to alternate your shoes. It can take 24 hours for all the sweat to evaporate from a shoe.
For particularly sweaty feet wipe between the toes daily with surgical spirit, this will help make the skin drier.
Wear open shoes or sandals and allow as much air to the feet as possible. (Beware of walking barefoot if you are diabetic or you have poor circulation though, as sensation to the extremities may be impaired )
Leave shoes outside in direct hot sun for a few hours as the sunlight helps kill bacteria.
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that lives on the keratin in your skin, if you provide the right conditions it will thrive and can be very difficult to get rid of. 7 out of 10 people fail to treat the condition properly.
- Home Visits: £26.00.
Basic Toenail Cut: £19.00.
Full Assessment and Appointment: £23.00.
- Opening Times:
- Various
- HPC Registration Number:
- Professional Body Membership: mafhp mcfhp
- Type of Work: Private Only
- Home Visits Available: Yes
- Specialisms: Routine foot care
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York Road is a residential street branching off the parade of shops in Broadstone.