Ipswich, Suffolk

The main difference is the prices! We try to ensure the items we put out for sale are of the best quality and we price competitively. We would rather sell our stuff than make it too expensive and hang around forever.
We always try our best to give excellent customer service, and offer a collection service for donated items in the Ipswich area. We have built a reputation over the years for fab window displays thanks to the talents of our dedicated team of volunteers.
We are hoping to launch in Easter 2009 our own line of shopping bags that have been made from recycled fabrics and customised using buttons and all manner of lovely things! Pictures of these will follow shortly! If you live in the area and have never been in before, or are visiting for the day, pop in and give us a look!
Be sure to ask for me - Gill. I am the shop manager - and tell me if you found the info on this page useful. Hope to see you soon if you have never been before and to all my loyal customers,
thankyou! xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Fantastic prices
- A real finger on the pulse of fashion
Ladieswear from 99p, Menswear from £1.49, Childrenswear from 39p. Other items are from 29p upwards. Videos are 25p each or 6 for £1.00
- Opening Times:
We are open 9.30 am til 5pm daily except Sundays