Purrfect Paws
Dunblane, Stirling

Part of the cattery
All pens are built to a high standard and subsequently they are safe
and secure. All comply fully to the minimum specs as laid down by the
Animal Health Act of 1963 and in fact exceed these requirements.
The latest guidlines given to Local Authorities have also been taken into consideration and 80% comply. All penthouses are electrically heated with under blanket heaters and overhead 'space heaters' thermostatically controlled.
Each pen has its own very low wattage light internally and all pens remain lit externally during the evening with the use of low consumption lamps.
All penthouses are double insulated with fibre glass between
the skins.
The pens are placed throughout the mature garden area sharing
space withshrubs, trees and many plants. This provides an interesting environment for the cats e.g. birds of which there are many species.
The cattery and garden are enclosed within a 7 ft high double ranch
fence, providing security, privacy and excellent protection from the
windier days.
The Cattery was built in 1991 and opened in December 1991. It comprises 20 outdoor pens and penthouses designed around the
Ladybird series.
A licence to operate 36 such pens was granted so the cattery can
be expanded. All pens are built to a high standard and subsequently they are safe and secure.
- See website
- Opening Times:
- 09.00 am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 6pm,weekdays and Sat.
09.30 am to 12.30pm and 5.30pm to 6.30pm
- Heated Pens: All
- Run: Outdoor
- Multi-Cat Pens Available: Yes
- Special Needs: Various
- Dog Kennels On Site: No
- Food Provided: Yes
- Number of Pens: 20
- Number of Cats Accommodated: 20
- Quarantine: Yes
- Long Stays: Yes
We are 3 miles North of Dunblane on the main A9.