Stafford Motor Auctions
Stafford, Staffordshire
We offer very good discounts to account holders, traders and main dealers who wish to enter vehicles in numbers. Doing so, you'll receive very low commission and no entry fees - so if we do not sell your vehicles it costs you nothing [yes no charges what so ever]. We use two of the country's most experienced auctioneers who will do their utmost to sell your vehicles.
Should you have a number of vehicles to sell on a regular basis we will devote a section for you and a representive of yours is welcome to join us on the rostrum - in fact no one will try harder to sell your trade-ins or surplus stock.
- Fully under cover
- Entry fee for non account holders
Sliding scale commision charges
Indemnity fees on all purchases
- Opening Times:
- Viewing Monday to Friday 9:30am to 5:00pm
Sales Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00pm
Entries taken all day up till 5.30pm on sale days
- Access to Auction: Open Auction
- Private Sales: Yes
- Fleet Sales: No
- Commercial Vehicles: Yes
- Geographical Coverage: staffordshire/shropshire
- Transportation Service: transporter/drivers with trade plates
- Valuations: Yes
- Online Catalogues: No
- Online Bidding: No